An overview of how the program works and when to contact us.
When someone contacts the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program for help, our first question is always the same: What does the resident want us to do? We work at the direction of residents.
Our program, which is authorized by the federal Older Americans Act is charged with performing advocacy work on behalf of older adults and adults with disabilities who live in nursing homes and assisted living residences. Work includes serving as an advocate for and protecting the rights of residents of nursing home and assisted living communities, which involves receiving, investigating and resolving complaints made by and on behalf of residents living in nursing homes and assisted living residences.
Shannon Gimbal, Ombudsman Manager, Denver Regional Council of Governments. Shannon joined the Area Agency on Aging staff at DRCOG as an Ombudsman in 2002. Shannon worked to empower and educate residents about their rights within Long Term Care communities and how to resolve concerns that may arise. Shannon became the DRCOG Ombudsman Manager in 2010 and is responsible for overseeing both the Long-Term Care Ombudsman and PACE Ombudsman teams. Most of Shannon’s time is spent advocating at a macro systems level, providing larger agencies, and departments a resident/participant perspective when making decisions regarding the future of Long-Term Care as well as Programs of all-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
from 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM MDT
On-line ZOOM meeting. ZOOM details included with Registration confirmation email.